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Pixletters is a word guessing game that involves using pixel colors to deduce the correct letters in a word. Each game provides a mystery challenge that players must solve within five tries. The game works by presenting a series of pixels that correspond to the letters in the word. The game is similar to the popular word game Wordle, but with the added twist of using pixel colors to help players deduce the correct letters.

Pixletters is a popular online game that has gained popularity in recent years, particularly among word puzzle enthusiasts. The game is free to play and requires no special downloads or plugins. It can be accessed directly through any web browser.

The game is designed to be challenging but not impossible, and players are given five tries to guess the correct word. Players can play the game alone or with friends and can choose from a range of difficulty levels, including easy, medium, and hard.

One of the unique features of Pixletters is the way in which it uses pixel colors to help players deduce the correct letters in the word. This adds an extra layer of challenge to the game, as players must pay close attention to the colors of the pixels in order to deduce which letters are correct and which are not.


  • Free to play
  • Available online without any downloads or plugins
  • Daily mystery challenge to solve
  • Multiple difficulty levels to choose from
  • Can be played alone or with friends

Tips to win:

  • Start with the vowels - A, E, I, O, U - since they are the most common letters in the English language.
  • Look for patterns in the word, such as repeated letters or letter combinations.
  • Use the green and red pixels to help eliminate letters that cannot be part of the word.
  • Use previous guesses to help deduce the correct word and eliminate possibilities.
  • Take your time and don't rush your guesses. Sometimes stepping away from the game and coming back later can help you see the word in a new light.

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Puzzle Games Word Games

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